identity, reflection Paula Frances Price identity, reflection Paula Frances Price

My Calling

Every night, I sneak into my daughter's room to kiss and pray for her. I find her twisted into an unnatural position, with her stuffed animals neatly lined up at the bottom of her bed. This scene perfectly sums up her personality.

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healing, reflection, suffering Valerie Catrow healing, reflection, suffering Valerie Catrow

At the Same Time

A few years ago, at the recommendation of a couple people who are much smarter than I, I spent Lent reading Fleming Rutledge's The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ.

It’s dense stuff, but I pushed through it because I love Rutledge’s insistence that we cannot talk about the resurrection without talking about the crucifixion.

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reflection Holly Stallcup reflection Holly Stallcup

Life to Death to Life

Each time I lift the lid I know not much will have changed, but my fascination with my new compost bin does not wane. My curiosity with the process of decomposition rivals that of any five year-old’s curiosity about everything.

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